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Research Proposal

My question is: “What important texts exist in Crocheting for a Cause, what genres do they belong to, and how are they functioning within the community?"


I intend on researching a crocheting club, Crocheting for a Cause, in my hometown of Fort Myers. This crocheting club is intriguing to me because they participate in several projects that benefit organizations in that area. Many people do not know about this club because it is so small. Because of their small size, I thought it would be easier to get more insight about the club. I have seen the effect that this club has on the community, and I wanted to further explore it. There are 15 members in this small club. Not many people know about this club or the impact they have on their local community, so I thought it would be important to expose the club and bring light to their cause. I created this question to investigate the text within this community which shapes and defines its members. I also chose this community because they are accessible. The person I will be interview is the founder of the club. Chelsey Helveston, founded this club in 2016 with only five members. I chose to interview her because she would be able to provide information that would be helpful in my research. I believe that by interviewing Chelsey, I would be able to have a foundation for my research and have an idea of what texts exist in that club.

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